Unlike carrying in your arms, practicing babywearing with your child using a baby carrier and a sling gives stability, postural relaxation and weight relief supporting your back, as well as numerous psycho-physical advantages. To fully benefit from babywearing, it is essential to choose an ergonomic baby carrier.
The importance of ergonomics!
Ergonomic Supports
Baby's weight is well distributed on your back, shoulders and hips
Being into their physiological position, the baby can rest their head on you
As in mother's womb, baby's back gets their natural C-shape
Baby's legs adopt the most correct position: M position
Comfort and relationship benefit from the higher position of the baby
NON-Ergonomic Supports
Your back feels more weight
Baby's head is not supported, therefore their neck is constantly under stress
Baby's back adopt a wrong position
The baby is placed lower, damaging your comfort and communication
With their legs hanging, all the weight of the child is discharged on their groin
How do you recognize an ergonomic support?
Ergonomic "M" Position
An ergonomic baby carrier ensures that baby's legs adopt the right "M" position, (squatted position) with their knees higher than their butt.
Physiological Curve of the Back
An ergonomic baby carrier, unlike traditional ones, allows the back of the child to assume its natural physiological curve.
Correct weight distribution
An ergonomic baby carrier allows to place your baby higher and closer to the body of the carrier. The weight is distributed evenly on the shoulders and the hips of the carrier.
Benefits of Babywearing
1 - Autonomy
Being able to live everyday life with a baby, whether it’s a newborn or a child of several months, who often needs the continuous contact of the mother, can be really challenging. Thanks to babywearing, this contact is made of containment, satisfaction of the primary needs and perfume of mother, as well as psychophysical benefits, motor and cognitive development and much more.

2 - Reducing infant crying
Thanks to babywearing, children cry less and sleep more. The containment and sense of fulfillment that kids experience inside the sling or the ergonomic baby carrier, help children to be more serene and relaxed.
3 - Breastfeeding and Bonding
Being close to mum with babywearing increases the production of oxytocin and prolactin, the love hormons that encourage the breast milk production and then the start of a good breastfeeding. The same hormones also play a key role in the bonding process between mom or dad and their baby.

4 - A help to reduce colics and reflux
The practice of babywearing helps the baby adapting to the extrauterine life and in the management of infant colic and any problems of reflux or simply digestion, thanks to the vertical position of the child.
5 - Psychomotor and cognitive development
The child carried with the ergonomic baby carrier or sling develops early the proprioceptive sense. By practicing Babywearing with an ergonomic support, the vertical position of the child and their ability to cling thanks to the primordial reflex of grasping, makes him supporting their to the support of the nape and torso.

6 - Contact and containment hold
Continuous contact given by babywearing has a positive effect on vital functions such as cardiac and respiratory activity, growth and also as a response to stress in terms of adaptation to life. Babywearing also has an important role in containing from the excesses of external stimuli, the mother carrier becomes a "filter" through which the child perceives the world.
7 - Thermoregulation
The mother’s body temperature regulates the child’s temperature thanks to the process of "thermal synchrony". The practice of skin to skin applied at birth has such functionality, ideal for prematures and newborns but also strategically used in case of fevers.

8 - Endless walking
Babymonkey Ergonomic baby slings and carriers do not encumber, they can be carried anywhere! Thanks to Babywearing you can reach places which are difficult to access with a stroller. Stairs, doors, public transport, beaches, trails... with babywearing are no longer a problem!